Aluminum Rust?


My kid brother drives a 2005 Neon. Clean
car with only 78K. He’s 19. He called
me in a panic the other night. Seems
he had a flat tire, and he did everything
right, even loosened the lug nuts a bit
before raising it with the jack. But then he
couldn’t get the wheel (factory 15˝ mag)
off, it was stuck to the drum (rear). He
was about an hour away from me, but
he has AAA, the service guy used a giant
prybar through the wheel holes (openings),
to pry it off, making some nasty
gouges. so how can this be prevented?

Prevention is easy: With the wheels off,
wire brush the wheel’s pilot hole and hub
surfaces thoroughly. Then coat both areas
with anti-seize compound so it won’t happen
The roadside fix? Loosen the lugs on
the offending wheel about two turns each.
Then drive slowly (20-25 MPH), sawing
abruptly at the steering wheel. Hitting a
pothole is another way to go. Or both, but
don’t drive very far on a flat, obviously.
Then change the wheel effortlessly.

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